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L2BEAT Bridges is a work in progress. You might find incomplete research or inconsistent naming. Join our Discord to suggest improvements!
Eclipse is a sidechain powered by the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM).
Eclipse is a sidechain powered by the Solana Virtual Machine (SVM).
Eclipse implements a custom deposit-only bridge. There is no functionality to withdraw assets back to Ethereum.
Deposits are processed by the bridge operators on the Eclipse side. There is no mechanism to send messages back to Ethereum.
Users can be censored if the bridge operators decide not to mint tokens after observing a deposit.
Funds can be stolen if the Treasury owner decides to transfer the funds locked on L1.
This is a Gnosis Safe with 3 / 5 threshold. Can pause and upgrade the EtherBridge and Mailbox contracts.
Those are the participants of the AuthorityMultisig.
This is a Gnosis Safe with 3 / 5 threshold. Can upgrade and transfer funds from the Treasury.
Those are the participants of the TreasuryOwner.
Entry point to deposit ETH. It is registered as a module in the Mailbox contract.
Contract receiving messages from registered modules to send to Eclipse. It doesn’t have any functionality to send messages back to Ethereum.
Holds the funds locked on Ethereum. This contract stores the following tokens: ETH.
The current deployment carries some associated risks:
Funds can be stolen if a contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades (CRITICAL).